
Chronicling the life and times of the city that God intended

Archive for January 3rd, 2009

never shack-up with crazy: the annivory calvert saga

Posted by Woodwards Friend on January 3, 2009

If you do shack-up with crazy, please, please, please wear a rubber. Otherwise crazy gets a baby and that baby is liable to turn out like Coleman Young Jr Joel Loving. If we hadn’t been mailing it in this holiday season, detroitist would have informed you on Wednesday that Loving and his dear mother Annivory Calvert are about two years and $5,000 behind on their property taxes. So much to work with here.

Calvert wrote bad poetry about moving that she published on-line. I am liquid flexibility./Walking to and fro/Remembering every detail /Packing the boxes, sealing the drawers, closing the doors./My mind is filled with expectation./New home, new friends, new lives to touch./I’m moving and I am liquid flexibility. She should have added new taxes to that “new home, new friends…” line. Taxes are neither liquid nor flexible.

Calvert says she’s broke and unemployed although last year she claimed that she was the Wayne County Commission’s “Special Projects Coordinator” on a campaign disclosure form documenting her $850 in campaign contributions. Fortunately, the always affluent audience of WHPR-TV is offering to send cash to help Loving and Calvert cover their predictable and normal household expenses. Maybe WHPR fans will also buy toilet paper and underwear for Coleman Young’s ex-mistress and bastard son.

It’s not like Loving couldn’t afford to pay the tax. As a state representative, he makes an annual salary of $79,650. If $79,650 wasn’t enough to allow Loving and Calvert to live in the style they’ve become accustomed and pay the property tax bill, Loving could have used his $1000 per month legislative per diem or maybe his Amway money. And another thing, what kind of self-respecting mayoral candidate lives with his mother? It’s all too Angela Lansbury/Laurence Harvey in the Manchurian Candidate for our tastes. Cut the cord, Joel.

This isn’t the first incident of crazy from the Calvert/Loving family. Back before she got knocked up, Calvert once argued that a Detroit cop shouldn’t write her a ticket because her relationship with Mayor Young gave her “diplomatic immunity.”  Just because Coleman bought her furs and jewels with Krugerrands, she thought she was like the South African drug dealers in Lethal Weapon 2 or something.

Then there is Calvert’s strongly worded letter (written by nothing but natural light?) to the New Yorker because she didn’t like a cover featuring Barack Obama. No not the one with Obama dressed up like Osama Bin Laden but one with Obama and Hillary Clinton in a bed…together…both reaching for the infamous read phone. Scandalous! Calvert writes: “Obama is an African-American man with character and integrity and your cover impugns his rectitude. Your cover insinuates that he would do anything to answer the red phone, including sleeping with Senator Clinton.”

Impugns his rectitude? Oh dear, if only Coleman had impugned Calvert’s rectitude instead of well…you know…we might have been spared these clinical morons. (Google)

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